AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency)
A measure of the efficiency of a heating system, particularly furnaces.

See entries: Energy Efficiency, SEER, HSPF

Air Conditioning (AC)
This component involves the cooling and dehumidification of indoor air during warmer seasons. Air conditioners and heat pumps are commonly used for cooling purposes in HVAC systems.

See entries: Heat Pump

Go to our page on Air Conditioning.

Air Handler
Part of the HVAC system that circulates conditioned air throughout the building.


Condenser Unit
Outdoor component of an air conditioning system responsible for releasing heat.


System of ducts used for air distribution throughout a building.


Energy Efficiency
The ability of HVAC systems to operate with minimum energy consumption.

See entries: AFUE, SEER, HSPF


A furnace is a key component responsible for heating your home or building. It works by burning fuel (such as natural gas, propane, or oil) or using electricity to generate heat. The heated air produced by the furnace is then distributed throughout the space via a system of ducts.

Go to our page on Heating Repair and Installation.


Heat Pump
An HVAC system that can both heat and cool by transferring heat between the indoors and outdoors.

See entries: HSPF

This involves the provision of warmth to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature during colder seasons. Common heating systems include furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps.

See entries: Heat Pump

Go to our page on Heating Repair and Installation.

HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor)
A measure of the efficiency of a heat pump system during the heating season. It represents the ratio of heat output to electricity consumption over an entire heating season, typically measured in British thermal units (BTUs) per watt-hour.

See entries: Heat Pump, Energy Efficiency, SEER, AFUE

HVAC stands for Heating (H), Ventilation (V), and Air Conditioning (AC). It refers to the technology and systems used to control the indoor environment of buildings, ensuring comfort and air quality for the occupants.

See entries: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Indoor Air Quality


Indoor Air Quality
Essential for creating a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, indoor air quality refers to the quality of the air within buildings and structures, particularly as it relates to the health and comfort of the occupants. It encompasses various factors that contribute to the overall cleanliness, freshness, and safety of the air inside a space.

HVAC systems are integral to achieving and maintaining acceptable indoor air quality by incorporating proper ventilation, filtration, and temperature and humidity control measures.

See entries: Ventilation

Go to our page on Indoor Air Quality.


Maintenance (HVAC Maintenance)
Regular upkeep and inspection of HVAC systems to ensure optimal performance.

See more about our Peak Maintenance Plan.


SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)
A measure of the efficiency of an air conditioning system over a cooling season.

See entries: Energy Efficiency, AFUE, HSPF

Smart Thermostat
A programmable thermostat that offers advanced features such as learning capabilities, automation, and the ability to adapt to users' preferences and schedules.

See entries: Thermostat

Go to our page on Smart Thermostats.


Device that regulates and controls the temperature of a heating and cooling system.

See entries: Smart Thermostat

Go to our page on Smart Thermostats.


The process of exchanging or replacing air within a space to control indoor air quality. It helps to remove pollutants, regulate moisture levels, and replenish oxygen. Mechanical ventilation systems, fans, and air exchanges are commonly used in HVAC systems for this purpose.

See entries: Indoor Air Quality


Dividing a building into different zones for customized temperature control.

Go to our page on Zoned Comfort Control.